
Uraufführung: 27.1.2017, Ensemble Tempus Konnex, Lübeck, Musikhochschule Lübeck


Weitere Aufführungen: 26.5.2017, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig

10.7.2018, Musikhochschule Lübeck


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"Solitaire"- this work for five musicians concentrates on one element in confrontation with a group, leading to a phenomenon of isolation and an experience of relativity. Just as in the works of Edmund de Waal the placement, the arrangement of the pots and ceramic objects is as essential as the actual color, surface, form and space of each single vessel. In this case the guitar is set against the other four instruments (oboe, clarinet, violin and cello), all twelve notes are set against the permutation of one single chord with four notes and all proportions and structures are based on the system of 5=4+1 and the perfect number 6 as 5+1, like the gem in a solitaire ring. It's a game with strict rules but infinite freedom in perception of the small details and the intense experience of sound in space and time.